Opening The Door To Invisalign Treatment With Verbiage

I can’t be afforded – This is the reason why it should be done. It is less affordable to be done now that it is in a small stage and less expensive. The large the restoration, the more expensive it will become to restore. Prevention is the key to have a healthy mouth and better finances. Does my Insurance cover? – Insurance is a method of payment, not a method of treatment. Our Doctors make diagnoses base on your current condition and dictates treatment that best suits you. Insurance might help you with the fee, but the treatment will not change based on your insurance cover. Let me talk to my husband or wife – This is a perfect time to leave patient by themselves and walk out of the room and allow to make that phone call. Do not allow your patient to leave without making the testament if you can’t. I will wait until it hurts – PT needs to be educated and understand that when the tooth hurts is an indication of acute infection, it is affecting the entire body with symptoms in the mouth. Treating when doesn’t hurt is usually less expensive and less painful and comfortable.
Invisalign implementation cannot be a highly successful component in general, restorative practice without a strong team supporting myself and our patients/clients in our office. Invisalign is a joy to work with. It is a beautiful product that allows us to achieve phenomenal results.
As a general practitioner, because we do so many varied procedures within our office, having a team understand Invisalign, it’s benefits, application in conjunction with restorative work and Clincheck is vitally important. Invisalign is more exciting when everyone is involved, treatment co-ordinators, receptionists, and assistants, along with the dental hygienists. When we can talk to our patients/clients about the advantages of Invisalign outside of their normal “check-up,” it takes time and effort. We show us before and after cases like themselves as well as the Invisalign malocclusion video. Door opening questions and “I am concerned…” statements are important to enroll our clients into the conversation to co-create and co-discover together. We tell our clients that we need to have a strong and solid foundation before we can do anything significant to improve their smiles. The less tooth structure to remove to create optimal results for them is in their very best interest. We are very protective of their natural teeth, and we do not want to take away enamel, the hard crystalline structure, but only enhance and build upon their dentition. The less enamel reduction allows a more stable long-term result of their teeth and keeps the nerves healthier, so there’s less chance of needing a root canal in the future. This includes bonding, veneers, and crowns. Often after setting patients up with Invisalign, we can do individual teeth or full mouth rehab without local anesthetic, and our clients are happy. I am less stressed with less to worry about in the future. Our ability to enroll clients in this process comes from our knowledge of creating healthy smiles until 120+ years of age. It is the wording and leading phrases that we need to work with the chairside that can create our clients’ interest to be open to listening about having Invisalign as part of their dental work. Invisalign is one of the best services, if not the best, that we offer in our practice. It is congruent with our thought processes of wellness. It is noninvasive, enjoyable to wear when you can see the results unfold before your eyes. It beautifully controls the process of achieving a healthier and more beautiful mouth. Compared to traditional orthodontic braces, this process allows for the least amount of root resorption when undergoing tooth movement. Invisalign is a win-win situation for the provider, team, and client.