From Our Side Of The Chair Dental Assistant Course with GC America
From Our Side of the Chair Speaker Shannon Pace Brinker CDA CDD The ideal chairside dental assistant must be current and knowledgeable in materials science and proficient in the various step-by-step procedures required to deliver state-of-the-art dentistry to the patient. In addition, increase your artistic …Read more »

Seminar C 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, 3 CEUs (Limited to 40 participants) Multiple fabrication techniques will be presented including materials selection and custom staining. The workshop will cover provisional cementation techniques to reduce sensitivity and provide retention. Participants will fabricate a crown and bridge …Read more »
Event details
February 4, 2022
Tampa, Fl
9:00 to 5:00
Shannon Pace Brinker and ACA Team Trainers

Chicago Midwinter Meeting
Provisional Workshop and Digital Workflow
Event details
February 24-26 2022
8:30 to 5:30
Shannon Pace Brinker and ACA Team Trainers